From Conflict, To Collaboration
From Conflict,
To Collaboration
Conflict resolution that cares for everyone involved.
Are you…
➤ Stuck in a seemingly impossible to resolve conflict and unsure what to do about it?
➤ In a conflict with someone and worried about what might happen if something doesn’t change?
➤ Postponing or completely avoiding an important conversation that you really should have?
➤ Sick and tired of arguing and not being able to get along or work together?
➤ Worried because an important decision needs to be made, but there’s a disagreement about what to do that’s holding up progress?
Then you could benefit from mediation.
Hello, I’m Simon Wiskowski 👋🏼
I’m Simon Wiskowski 👋🏼
Mediator & Conflict Coach
As a mediator & coach, I bring my experience in Nonviolent Communication and conflict resolution to help people express themselves beyond judgement, hear each other with compassion, and resolve conflict in a way that cares for the well-being of everyone involved.
I believe that conflict is an opportunity to better serve life, and that with courage and patience, there’s no conflict that can’t be resolved.
To learn more about me and my story, click here.
Any conflict can be resolved in a way that works for everyone involved – without compromise.
Mediation is an opportunity to…
Express yourself honestly and be fully heard.
Address what’s in the way of harmony – the anger, resentment, guilt, shame, hurt, sadness, etc.
Be heard without correcting, blaming, shaming, or fixing.
Heal past pain and (re)build the trust between you and the other participant.
Create clear and actionable agreements that work for everyone involved.
Resolve your conflict in a way that cares for the dignity and humanity of everyone involved.
Be heard without correcting, blaming, shaming, or fixing.
The Conflict Resolution Process
Discovery Call
Let’s get on a video call, talk a bit about your specific conflict, and see if working together is a mutual good fit. The Discovery Call can be together with the other party or separate, whichever works best for you.
The First Mediation Session
Mediation sessions are 3 hours.
➤ Hour 1: After a brief check-in altogether, each participant will meet with the mediator individually for approximately 30 minutes.
➤ Hours 2 & 3: Both participants and the mediator will meet altogether for a 2-hour conversation.
Create A Plan
If the conflict still exists at the end of the first session, I will advise both participants on how to best proceed. Together, we’ll make a short-term plan that will include a follow-up mediation session and possibly one or two 1:1 conflict coaching sessions for each participant to occur before the follow-up mediation.
Reevaluate & Repeat
The path to resolution is different for every relationship, and the conflict resolution process isn’t always linear; there will likely be ups and downs. Along the way, we’ll remain in dialogue about how the situation is progressing, what still needs to be addressed, and how to best move forward.
Mediation Sessions
Mediation sessions are 3 hours.
Hour 1:
➤ A brief check-in altogether (1-2 minutes per person to share about their day and how they’re doing).
➤ 2 x 30 min individual sessions: Each participant will meet with me individually for approximately 30 minutes. One-on-one time at the beginning of each mediation session is to build trust and help each participant get clear about the most important message they want to convey.
Hours 2 & 3:
➤ We meet altogether for a 2-hour conversation. I will support both participants to move forward towards harmony and collaboration by helping them express themselves beyond judgement and hear the humanity in each other.
➤ As a mediator, I will support both participants to search for solutions, and create clear and actionable agreements that work for you both ⎯ genuine win/win solutions that don’t involve any amount of compromise.
1:1 Conflict Coaching Sessions
1:1 Conflict Coaching sessions are 90 minutes.
These sessions are an opportunity to fully express yourself and be heard without judgement. During sessions, I will suggest certain processes (role-plays, parts work, communication practices, etc) that we can do together to further explore your specific challenges and support you to more deeply connect to yourself.
As you share about your conflict and experience being heard and understood, whatever is blocking the natural flow of compassion within you ⎯ the anger, resentment, frustration, irritation, annoyance, disgust, guilt, shame, hurt, sadness, fear, etc. ⎯ will melt away bit by bit, and you will reconnect to your natural and true self ⎯ a space that is calm, clear, creative, compassionate, courageous, and beyond conflict.
I often recommend 1:1 Conflict Coaching sessions for each party, to occur in between mediation sessions, as a way to help speed up the conflict resolution process.
From Conflict 🚨, To Collaboration 🫱🏼🫲🏽
From Conflict 🚨,
To Collaboration 🫱🏼🫲🏽
What clients are saying about their experience…
Empathy, presence, and acceptance are some of the qualities I experienced in my sessions with Simon. In our very first session together, I felt relaxed and expansive, and great relief in having been heard! After a few sessions, I noticed an increased capacity to connect with myself when in heightened emotional states. I’ve also noticed a greater willingness and confidence to engage in difficult conversations with my husband, which has been my primary concern.
A couple of aspects that really contribute to my sense of trust in Simon are his transparency about his own needs, and his willingness to express himself honestly. As someone who has the habit of not expressing myself honestly in order to ‘protect’ my connection with others, I have found this scary at first, but have learned, through Simon’s example and guidance, how engaging at this level of authenticity can actually lead to a more secure connection, which I am endeavoring to embody in my own life! Thank you, Simon!
– Jessica Schaeffer, Professional Musician
I really value and appreciate the way Simon showed up for me and his capacity to listen with his whole self, with curiosity, and nonjudgementally.
Simon held space for me in a way that felt safe and enabled me to take my time, be vulnerable, and connect with what really matters to me. I accessed clarity, celebration, mourning, and gained insights that helped me shift a number of things that have been challenging for me.
Simon offers a quality of connection and empathy that is really powerful and I experience as secure and strong yet tender and compassionate at the same time. As well as offering empathy, I enjoy that Simon will also honestly express what’s going on for him, because I value authenticity and integrity.
– Barry Jones, Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer, UK
I worked with Simon over the course of a couple months and it was a very transformative and helpful experience. I was more able to express and show up for my needs. Simon helped my ex-wife and I tremendously in navigating conflict during our relationship and in the separation process in a conscious way that honored each of our needs. If your relationship is at all not what you want it to be then I cannot recommend him more!
– Osama Khan, Lawyer
What if I want mediation, but the other party doesn't?
If the other party declines to participate in mediation, you don’t have to let that stop you. The conflict resolution process can begin with 1:1 Conflict Coaching sessions, which is a choice entirely within your power to make.
All conflict is co-created, so when one party does their inner work, the conflict can’t not transform. Additionally, when one party takes responsibility for their side of the equation and begins to do their work, there is an energetic shift in the relational field. The other party sometimes perceives that something feels different, and changes their mind and chooses to join the process.
What if I want mediation, but don't want to speak to the other party directly?
No problem, we’ll do what’s referred to as shuttle mediation. The entire process is the exact same, except during mediation sessions you and the other party will be in separate Zoom rooms without the ability to speak to each other. I will then “shuttle” back and forth between rooms, carrying your message to the other person on your behalf. You don’t have to speak to or even see the other party if you don’t wish to.
How many sessions will it take to resolve my conflict?
As a mediator, I don’t resolve the conflict for my clients but rather help them resolve their conflict themselves. As such, I am unable to know how many sessions it will take to resolve your specific conflict. It all depends on the intensity of your conflict and your willingness to do your inner work.
That being said, the more one is willing to do their inner work, the faster the conflict is likely to resolve. 1:1 Conflict Coaching sessions are a powerful supplement to Mediation sessions.